2290 - Track DRUM Style Whole Tree Chipper

Popular for its great combination of size, production, all-terrain performance and price, the 20-inch capacity Model 2290 Track whole tree chipper is a favorite for chipping tops and brushy material, either in traditional logging operations or land clearing projects. Its 24.5-inch by 26.25-inch throat opening easily accepts large diameter, brushy material. Dual feed wheels in Bandit’s unique Slide Box Feed System provide the industry’s best pulling and crushing power, while aggressive chip throwing power fully loads trailers in approximately 35-40 minutes. It rides on a CAT 315L steel-track undercarriage.


  • Dual hydraulic feed wheel lift cylinders
  • Fixed or rotating discharge w/ chip deflector
  • Radio remote control /w tether backup
  • Reversing auto feed
  • Slide box feed system w/ dual horizontal feed wheels
  • Optional grapple loader
  • Optional operator cab w/ loader
  • Optional over-the-top discharge
  • Optional CAT 320L steel track undercarriage


Machine weights, feed rates, and other specifications are approximate and will vary depending on options selected.
All Specifications are subject to change.

  Standard Metric
Capacity 20 in 50.80 cm
Average Trailer Load Time 35-40 min  
Opening 26.25 in  x  24.50 in 66.67 cm  x  62.23 cm
Width 122 in 309.88 cm
Height 138 in 350.52 cm
Length 252 in 640.08 cm
Weight 43000 lbs 19504.47 kg
Weight w/ Cab 47500 lbs 21545.64 kg
Weight w/ Loader 47500 lbs 21545.64 kg
Weight w/ Cab and Loader 52000 lbs 23586.80 kg
Feed Rate 120 ft/min 36.58 m/min
Fuel Tank 100 gl 378.54 l
Hydraulic Tank 94 gl 355.83 l


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