3090 - Towable DRUM Style Whole Tree Chipper

Featuring a powerful five-wheel feed system, the Model 3090 takes Bandit’s unique Slide Box Feed System to the next level of power. This high-volume, 24-inch capacity chipper features a 30-inch by 36-inch throat opening, allowing it to pull in, crush and compress whole trees and forked branches with ease. It’s available with a standard or micro chip drum for biomass applications. Depending on engine options, the Model 3090 can fully load chip trailers in under 20 minutes without auxiliary chip throwers, and the clean feed system keeps your chips off the ground, increasing yield by about 5%.


  • Clean feed system
  • Dual hydraulic feed wheel lift cylinders
  • Radio remote control /w tether backup
  • Reversing auto feed
  • Slide Box Feed System w/ 5 feed wheels (3 horizontal, 2 vertical)
  • Stationary discharge with adjustable chip deflector
  • Optional grapple loader
  • Optional micro chip drum
  • Optional proportional feed system
  • Optional operator cab w/ loader
  • Optional fifth wheel hook up


Machine weights, feed rates, and other specifications are approximate and will vary depending on options selected.
All Specifications are subject to change.

  Standard Metric
Capacity 24 in 60.96 cm
Average Trailer Load Time 12-17 min  
Opening 36 in  x  26 in 91.44 cm  x  66.04 cm
Width 120 in 304.80 cm
Height 150 in 381 cm
Length 468 in 1188.72 cm
Weight 54000 lbs 24493.99 kg
Feed Rate 120 ft/min 36.58 m/min
Fuel Tank 200 gl 757.08 l
Hydraulic Tank 200 gl 757.08 l


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