Intimidator™ 18XP - Track DRUM Style Hand-Fed Chipper

The Intimidator™ 18XP Track is a very popular all-terrain chipper, especially with companies performing land clearing and wildfire mitigation services. With a 19.75-inch by 20.5-inch throat opening, 37-inch diameter drum, CAT 305CR rubber track undercarriage, aggressive diesel engine options and Bandit’s Slide Box Feed System it absolutely dominates everything else in the self-propelled 18-inch chipper category. Jest zwrotny i mocny, jest w stanie z łatwością przetwarzać duże konary i drzewa w trudno dostępnym terenie.


  • 270-degree hydraulic swivel discharge
  • CAT 305CR rubber track undercarriage
  • Hydraulic lift cylinder for top feed wheel
  • Radio remote control
  • Reversing auto feed
  • Slide box feed system w/ dual horizontal feed wheels
  • Optional hydraulic bottom bump bar
  • Optional welded HD infeed tray
  • Optional hydraulic winch
  • Optional CAT 305CR steel track undercarriage


Machine weights, feed rates, and other specifications are approximate and will vary depending on options selected.
All Specifications are subject to change.

  Standard Metric
Capacity 18 in 45.72 cm
Opening 20.50 in  x  20.80 in 52 cm  x  52.80 cm
Width 102 in 259 cm
Height 111 in 281 cm
Length (Open) 180 in 457 cm
Length (Closed) 150 in 381 cm
Weight 12500 lbs 5670 kg
Feed Rate 100 ft/min 30.48 m/min
Fuel Tank 50 gl 189 l
Hydraulic Tank 50 gl 189 l


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