Magnet Stitions

You have probably seen one of EuRec standalone shredders with an overbelt magnet above the discharge conveyor. For complete waste treatment systems or for higher efficiency, often the separate magnet is requested, so this is when our magnet stations appear on the scene. According to customer’s request, we manufacture a suitable steelwork basic frame, on which the magnet is suspended. The pre-shredded material reaches the above the discharge conveyor installed overbelt magnet, is thrown against the lengthwise arranged magnet field of the magnet station, and iron parts, which have another trajectory than textiles or pieces of wood, are separated and discharged, they can be forwarded to another step of treatment or use.

Magnet Station

Magnet Station is responsible for optimal iron separation in material flow direction. Permanent magnet is usualy installed above head roller of discharge /feeding conveyor. Coming from the discharge/ conveyor , the material flow is thrown close to the magnet core. Iron is picked up from the discharge parabola, cleaning belt of overbent magnet moves it further with equal speed. At the end of the magnetic head, the iron is thrown onto a chute, and from there is can be forwarded to container or to reprocessing. Different magnet core effects are aviable on request