Screening Equipment
In many countries of the world, there is a high percentage of wet organic material containing in the domestic waste. But how does it work, that the wet components are separated reliably from the dry components and that the screen holes of a drum screen are not blocked with material? Years ago, EuRec got to the bottom of things and after intensive research and development, with the EuRec Disc Separator, an entirely new, low-maintenance high-performance separation technology was brought to the market and proved fully. With this machine, the separation into organic and high-caloric fraction happens reliably and almost trouble-free. Because of the disc design, its self-cleaning and therefore blockage-free screen deck prevents clogging and blockages from the beginning.
Disc Separator DSK
EuRec Disc Separator was developed to separate organics from material flow especially with high amount of moist organics or for the utilization of old landfills, almost blockage-free screening also of difficult waste material. Up to 90 % of the organic material as part of the material flow is separated from high-caloric fraction. Patented devices avoid entanglement and adhesion and guarantee a nearly trouble-free operation.
Star Screen STS
The EuRec Star Screen was developed for application cases that cannot be satisfied with the EuRec Disc Separator. The EuRec Star Screen is used preferably, where fine grains of a certain length and size need to be screened. Instead of screen discs, screen stars do their precise work. The Star Screen is smaller and more compact, but in regard to performance, it is as good as the DSK. Also for this machine, effective screening on high-performance level is a matter of fact.