Whole Tree Chippers
Bandit® whole tree chippers are legendary for their ability to pull in, crush and compress the largest trees, forked limbs and stubborn tops, all while leading the industry for production, fuel efficiency, and chip quality. Built by specialized teams using the highest quality components with thorough welded construction, Bandit whole tree chippers provide years of reliable service.
Intimidator® 20XP
The Bandit Intimidator® 20XP is great for companies seeking a cost-effective machine with the capabilities of a whole tree chipper, but in a smaller package that’s easier to tow and maneuver. Officially rated as a 20-inch capacity machine, this exceptionally versatile chipper actually features a large 24.5-inch by 26.25-inch throat opening to easily handle large whole trees. Bandit’s Slide Box Feed System has no problem pulling in and crushing the most stubborn forked limbs and dense hardwood, chipping material to fill trailers in roughly 45 minutes.

Popular for its great combination of size, production, performance and price, the 20-inch capacity Model 2290 whole tree chipper is a favorite for chipping tops and brushy material, either in traditional logging operations or land clearing projects. Its 24.5-inch by 26.25-inch throat opening easily accepts large diameter, brushy material. Dual feed wheels in Bandit’s unique Slide Box Feed System provide the industry’s best pulling and crushing power, while aggressive chip throwing power fully loads trailers in approximately 35-40 minutes.

Bandit’s most popular whole tree chipper is the Model 2590. Officially rated as a 22-inch capacity whole tree chipper, the Model 2590 actually has a 26.25-inch by 30-inch chipper throat opening so it easily handles large whole trees, tops, and logging slash. It features Bandit’s unique Slide Box Feed System, and is available with a dedicated micro chip drum for biomass applications. Depending on engine options, the Model 2590 can fully load chip trailers in 20 minutes – without the need for auxiliary chip throwers.

Featuring a powerful five-wheel feed system, the Model 3090 takes Bandit’s unique Slide Box Feed System to the next level of power. This high-volume, 24-inch capacity chipper features a 30-inch by 36-inch throat opening, allowing it to pull in, crush and compress whole trees and forked branches with ease. It’s available with a standard or micro chip drum for biomass applications. Depending on engine options, the Model 3090 can fully load chip trailers in under 20 minutes without auxiliary chip throwers, and the clean feed system keeps your chips off the ground, increasing yield by about 5%

The 30-inch capacity Model 3590 is a powerhouse for logging professionals seeking a high-production, low maintenance whole tree chipper. Featuring a 36-inch by 36-inch chipper throat opening and a powerful five-wheel feed system, the Model 3590 easily handles large material. This powerful chipper can fill a 45-foot trailer in approximately 15 minutes without using auxiliary chip acceleratiors, consistently outpacing other 30-inch capacity chippers while also burning less fuel per load. It’s available with a standard or micro chip drum, allowing companies to serve multiple chip markets with one machine.

The Bandit® Model 3590XL is simply the most productive whole tree chipper on the market. It features a 36-inch by 48-inch throat opening, behind which lies a massive 48-inch diameter chipping drum.